Saturday, September 05, 2009

Never thought I'd be back

After my feeble attempt to design a sock, I decided that designing was like writing a novel. Weeks spent (months...years...) only to receive a polite rejection: "This was a lot of fun, but not suitable for Knitty." Yeah, I know it comes with the territory, but I didn't have the heart to try again.

Yet, I still love to knit and will always need a place to yap about it. Joined the other day and saw...imagine...a place to link up your blog. Readers! So here I am! Maybe no longer a madwoman talking to herself in the woods...

Lately I've had a jones for working with the really cheap acrylic yarns of my youth. I've crocheted two afghans since my last visit here, one in Red Heart Supersaver and the other in Simply Soft. I especially like the Supersaver...7 oz. for less than $3.00. The Simply Soft knitted up like a wet blanket and the broomstick lace catches on everything.

Back to Ravelers, that seems a cool place. You can itemize you stash...not sure if it is for convenience or bragging rights...and keep track of works in progress. Dare I list older projects, like the lace stocking that fizzled right around the ankle? Or the Boobalicious sweater? That's a cheeky project for a woman my age. To make it worse, I'm adding the Molly Weasely sleeves to it since I would rather not show my pale flabby upper arms in public if I can help it.

Well, off to tweak the site a bit, then snoot around Ravelers for a while

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