Sunday, December 06, 2009

Since I've been here

Tried to update the photo with one from Flickr and it wouldn't go.  Apparently the picture needs to be on the computer.  Alas.  That doesn't help at all since I usually use the laptop.  I'll fix it later when I feel like using the desktop.  Meanwhile, Witchygirl will have to fill in.

The Ravelry site has been keeping me busy knitting things I never would have considered otherwise.  How about a moebius?


Or a pair of leggings?

Impervio - front view

Nothing like deadlines to deal with the procrastination monster.  Now that I'm learning what I can do, perhaps I will have a decent selection of knitted items to sell at craft fairs.

I recently discovered a fiber festival only a hop, skip, and jump from here.  We usually check out a fair first, but I've jumped on this one.  I have really, really missed the crowd at Stitch & Chatter back in Massachusetts.  Ravelry has much the same feel, with everyone knitting new things and showing them off.

More about the Sedalia Fiber Festival later...after I know if they will let me in or not :)