Monday, October 23, 2006


Knitted a sock in a weekend! It looks good, and I know I can get the other one done just as quickly. Yet, as the last stich went in, a cloud of creeping nasty came over me and for the first time I recognized it. The feeling that says "back off. What if you succeed?"

The sock is as good as anything I have seen in Knitty. The stitching is the best I have ever done. If it does not sell, it will be because the design is too simple. What if I succeed? I will be on my way to creating the life I want rather than living at everyone elses command.

That is the answer. I hope I have the grit to deal with it.

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

In the yarn shop

Finished the first Michelin Man sock the other day, and started the next. Fuzzy, discontinued Shetland is not what I need for a Knitty sock, though, so I headed for the local yarn shop. For the longest time the folks there looked at me as if I were if I could stash a few 50 gram balls of yarn in my bra with no one the wiser! The place is tiny (a big yarn shop is called a department store...), with good variety and all of it expensive.

And what's the deal with 50 gram balls anyway? They measure out at about 100 yards...I guess you aren't supposed to ouch so loud when you see the $10.00 price tag. But that's what's out there and if the world knits with nice yarn, then so must I. One of the trials (perks?) of being a designer. "But honey, Knitty wouldn't be caught dead recommending Red Heart Wintuck to its readers..."

So I found some beautiful plum merino/bamboo (bamboo?) blend that I can't wait to get my sticks into. No fuzz, no itch, soft as a cloud. I wonder if the world is discovering plant fibers anew? There's bamboo, and soy silk...and I seem to recall that the Japanese make cloth out of kudzu. Kudzu yarn? I'd buy some just for the laugh factor :)