Sunday, February 11, 2007

Is a picture worth...

Saw a note in another blog from a gal who stated if a blog didn't have pictures she didn't bother with it. So I rushed to grab The Shuj's camera to add photos here. Got some beauties too. My favorite is a sock viewed through an eerie blue haze...though me dressed up as Caesar in red gauntlets is a close second. None of them displayed much detail in the knitting, so what is the point?

A blog is a diary, a record of things as they occur. Pictures are good, but not if they don't show anything.

So I'm over my sulk and back to the knitting. UFOs are piling up everywhere. Latest is an afghan for the latest grandneice/nephew in the family. I've found the yarn, Lion Brand's Wool Ease in a heather rose color. The last 100% wool baby afghan I knit got put through the wash (hot water, regular) and was in the dryer before mom realized you can't do that to wool! This latest offering has enough acrylic to put up with that sort of thing.

Did a schematic for Sir Walter and learned there isn't much room to play around with patterns in a gauntlet made with Silk Dreams. By the time I've finished drawing and testing, I may as well just knit the durn things and be done with it!

Good thing I'm not doing pictures since the image button doesn't seem to be working...

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